Tuition Rates
Weekly Daily Rate
Infant (8 weeks-15 months) $501 $109
Toddler (15 months-2 years) $473 $103
Transition (2 years-2.9 years) $473 $103
Preschool (2.9-4 years) $376 $86
Pre-K (4-5 years) $368 $84
School Age (1st-3rd grade) $319 $76
School Age (hourly rate): $12.50 per hour (This rate is for before and after school)
Preschool and Pre-K Morning Session (8:30-12:30): $67 per morning
Weekly: 5 full days per week
Daily: more than 6 hours per day
Part Time: 6 hours or less per day
Part Time
A Part Time rate is offered to Preschool, Pre-K and School Age children.
Preschool and Pre K $71
School Age (1st-3rd grade) $63
School Age
A regular week's payment is due for vacations/holidays if your child does not attend.
Registration Fee
There is a registration fee of $100 due upon enrollment and each year at annual re-enrollment.
There is a deposit due upon registration. The deposit includes one full month tuition and the registration fee. The deposit is
non-refundable. The deposit and registration fee will ensure your space is available on the agreed upon start date.